Royal Conquest

Dolphin Quest

Shark Boat


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Learning About The Most Intelligent Aquatic Mammal

We love dolphin watching, but what do you really know about those majestic animals frolicking in the ocean? While on Madeira Beach’s Dolphin Quest, your tour guide will share some fun facts. But in case you just can’t wait until your dolphin-watching boat tour, read on to learn more!

  • There are at least 43 different dolphin species.
  • On your Tampa Bay dolphin cruise, you might see dolphins jump as high as 30 feet high!
  • Dolphins can live up to 50 years old. Many do not live this long due to water pollution and getting tangled in fishing nets. So it is important to do your part in taking care of the ocean—for the future of these creatures.
  • Dolphins have 100 teeth, but they are only used to grab fish. They swallow these fish whole, without chewing.
  • They have big appetites—eating up to 30 pounds of fish per day!
  • Echolocation provides dolphins with a way to communicate in the ocean using sound waves.
  • Dolphins can also hear 10 times better than us!

To see these creatures in their natural habitat, we’d love for you to join us as we tour the picturesque Boca Ciega Bay off of Johns Pass. Book your dolphin watching cruise today!


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